Sunday, November 16, 2008

Back from Bremen and 20 more bags

Didn't have a chance to rake last weekend as had to travel to Bremen for a security audit at the BLG terminal on the Weser River with the CTPAT reps of US Customs. By the time I got back, the trees had released almost all their leaves which covered most of the back yard. Raked another 20 bags today which brings the count to 81. Pretty sure that's the biggest yield to date. If the snow holds off for another week, I'll probably be able to get another 1 or 2 of mostly needles from the two scotch pines.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Eastern Standard Time - One of My Pet Peeves

Spring Ahead, Fall Back...clocks went back an hour this morning to mark the end the Daylight Savings Time. It's fairly easy to appreciate that Benjamin Franklin was onto a good idea when he suggested that energy savings might be realized if the work day was skewed by an hour in the Spring time to take advantage of the longer light. But to reset the clocks on an entire continent is absurd. Could we not, instead, change our office and school hours so that clocks stay as they are, and we all simply set our alarms an hour earlier...then we'd also be going home an hour earlier. That's good. What's so complicated about that? As it is, this current practice is nothing more than mass self-deception. We are all tricking ourselves it is 7 o'clock when in fact, it is actually 6 o'clock...but don't tell anybody or they might think that's way too early to get up...We are, collectively, tha stupid except in Saskatchewan who has the earthly sense to move wit nature. Kudo's to Saskatchewan!

Another 15 bags this weekend bringing the count so far to 61 and there are still 4 trees in the back yard with lots of leaves still hanging. Should be mostly fallen within another week or two. This morning the thermometer registered slightly below zero degrees C. There was thin ice on the pond, but temperature rose to abt 5 or 6 degrees by mid-morning which was pleasant for raking. Helene reported snow in the Saguenay region when she visited UQAC in Chicoutimi yesterday. She'S thinking of changing from the Bilogy program at McGill to the Outdoors Studies program at Univeristy of Quebec at Chicoutimi.